little girl, Big World

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Munching on muesli as I contemplate on the weeks that have passed.

"Families are God's miracles"

More and more, I see how this is true. It's not just the miraculous beauty of family relationships, family love and family support that rings true, although this should never be understated. But I see truth in this statement from the perspective that it requires certain supernatural or divine help for any family to stay together.

To find forgiveness for a family member or spouse who has done the most dastardly thing.

To find acceptance from a family member or spouse or self-acceptance from family who expect the world of you.

To accept a family member/spouse for who he or she is, knowing that they might never leave up to your expectations that only God can live up to.

Essentially, to love them unconditionally, without strings attached, without conditions of having them love you the same way back.

You don't choose your family members. We're just put together by the will of God. And I think that's what makes it so special.

And some may think that we choose our spouse. To a certain extent I agree. But I think the choice is more in the choice to love your spouse and not so much the choice of the person (although the latter choice is also important - I'm just saying that more emphasis should be placed on the learning to love your spouse part).

From the moment you said your vows and made this sacred covenant with him/her and God, you have set the rest of your life with him/her. To love, to comfort, to honor and keep him/her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, be faithful to him/her as long as you both shall live.

It's interesting how a church wedding (at least for the Anglican weddings I've seen) has a part where the congregation will be asked to uphold the couple in marriage. It's a powerful expression of how family does not hold itself together on its own, and God and His people play an important role to support families.

She couldn't have said it any better - in a sex-obsessed world [or insert any other expression you think of the world/society] today, it is increasingly difficult to maintain one's values and principles by sheer self-will power. What support do you have?

Oh! Finished half a box of muesli. Signal for me to stop and sleep.